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Mrs S Willink

"Miss Pataki played beautifully for the concert along with the Trio. She was at all times very professional and her technique and, style were duly noted by all. The evening was a great success, and I highly recommend her for future concerts and wish her all the best in her solo career. The whole trio was most entertaining and I would hope that we would be lucky enough to have both Orsolya and the trio again."

Clive Pierce

"I have known Orsolya Pataki for several years in my capacity as a musician and composer. In December 2008 she performed an orchestral arrangement of one of my string quintets for classical guitar, 'For Vicky'. Her performance was not only faultless but was also delivered with great sensitivity and flair. I can highly recommend her as a player and performer on the classical guitar."

Craig Dowling

"I saw Orsolya play at South Hill Park and she was fantastic. The best performance of the evening. She has an amazing tallent and is an extremely skilled guitarist."

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